Biocat4Value banner

The Biocat4Value – Biocatalysis Conference for Biological Transformation along Renewable Value Chains is organized by the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) Biocatalysis Division and will be held on 18-20 November 2024 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Connecting leading bioeconomy regions in Europe to meet the increasing demands for biobased materials and scalable process technologies thereof, with a focus on biocatalysis as enabler is the core of the Biocat4Value Biocatalysis Conference. We positioned Biocat4Value as a pioneering gathering to foster collaboration and networking along value chains across Europe.

Embracing biocatalysis means embracing innovation across industries: From pharmaceuticals to agriculture, from food production to textiles, the applications of biocatalysis are limitless. By replacing fossil-based processes with biological ones with low CO2 footprints, we reduce waste, energy consumption, environmental impact, and empower a truly sustainable bioeconomy.

The conference serves as a networking platform for leading industrial companies, SMEs, academia, and founders to come together, share their insights, and explore opportunities for value generating innovations.

The main topics for discussion will focus on the enabling role of biocatalysis in the context of:
  • Promotion of industrial bioeconomy
  • Generation of new value chains
  • Exploration of venues to high value products from biomass and renewable sources
  • Valorization of biomass to platform chemicals or materials.
With a primary emphasis on networking, knowledge exchange, and collaborative partnerships, the Biocat4Value event is expected to draw participants from market leaders in biocatalysis, SMEs, selected academic experts, and bioeconomy regions across Europe. We highly welcome cutting-edge start-ups to present their technologies and innovations to cross-fertilize their networks!

Pioneering activities and flagship projects in leading bioeconomy regions can be found all over Europe. Let us bring them together in Düsseldorf, in the heart of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, to share knowledge and push boundaries of biocatalysis research for a sustainable bioeconomy.

We are looking forward to your participation and meeting you in Düsseldorf in November 2024!

On behalf of the Organising Committee Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg and Dr. Thomke Bergs


The Committee is composed of academics who are experts in the field of biocatalysis.
They are responsible of the scientific program and the abstract evaluation.


The preliminary conference programme can be viewed by clicking the button below in pdf.
Please note, this programme is subject to change at any time.


René M. de Jong
René M. de Jong

dsm-firmenich (NL)

Martin Hayes
Martin Hayes

AstraZeneca (SE)

Magnus Wiman
Magnus Wiman

Novozymes (DK)

Lukas Reisky
Lukas Reisky

Covestro (DE)

Tina Radespiel
Tina Radespiel


Virginie Neugnot-Roux

Adisseo (FR)

TBA Image
Sébastien Hulin

Michelin (FR)

TBA Image
Daniel Auriol

Givaudan (FR)

Riccardo Motterle Image
Riccardo Motterle

FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici (IT)


The online registration is now OPEN!
Register online before 15 July 2024 to receive the early bird registration rate.


The "Biocat4Value" conference invites participants from academia and industry to submit abstracts describing original research in one of the scientific topics.

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 September 2024

Abstract submission


The "Biocat4Value" meeting will take place in the Lindner Hotel Düsseldorf Airport in Düsseldorf, Germany.
This 4-star hotel is located nearby the Airport and is reachable by train, bus or taxi.

See more details


Showcase your company’s leading expertise in the biocatalysis industry and forward thinking in the field biological transformation! We have designed a range of sponsorship packages to accommodate different levels of engagement and marketing exposure. The organizers are look forward to discussing the opportunities with you.


Gran Vía Carlos III, 98 Torre Norte, Planta 10 08028. Barcelona
[email protected]
Phone: +34 93 521 1153