The European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) was established by European scientists in 1978. It is a non-profit federation of national biotechnology associations, learned societies, universities, scientific institutes, biotechnology companies and individual biotechnologists working to promote biotechnology throughout Europe and beyond.

As the independent “Voice of Biotechnology in Europe”, EFB promotes the safe, sustainable and beneficial use of fundamental research and innovation in life sciences, to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and international cooperation, to improve scientific education and to facilitate an informed dialogue between scientists, the biotechnology industries and the public.

The first European Congress of Biotechnology in Interlaken, Switzerland, in 1978 marked the inauguration of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). In 2024, we are delighted to welcome you back to Rotterdam to celebrate the longest running biotechnology congress in Europe.

EFB began as a rather small group of working parties from different European countries. Their interests ranged from fermentation technology to the public perception of biotechnology, applied microbiology and genetics, downstream processing and measurement and control. Forty-five years later, EFB is now open to all who share our mission of promoting the safe, sustainable and ethical use of biological systems for the benefit of mankind.

The current >25,000 personal members, who span the world from Latin America to China, Korea and Japan, is also a reflection of the success of recent EFB congresses. Interests today are now much wider, spanning green, red and white biotechnologies. Key member activities focus on plant, food, agriculture and environmental biotechnology on the green side, and biopharmaceuticals, healthcare, pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance on the red. Physiology and genomics of microorganisms impact many aspects of biotechnology, while white topics include biomaterials, bioengineering/bioprocessing, and both systems and synthetic biology.