Recombinant Protein Production meeting; Cell engineering, Cellular biology, physiology, biomanufacturing, Biofabrication, amino acids, SDGs, food systems, vaccine production,  biobased production of chemicals.


The Microbiology Division of the EFB offers bursaries for students. To apply for this grant, you would need to meet the following requirements:

  • be an Early Career Scientist
  • be an Active Microbiologist Biotechnologist
  • be presenting author at the meeting (oral or poster)

  • Please mark the corresponding box in the registration form and fill in the application form and submit the document to the meeting organizer at [email protected]

    Deadline for bursaries application: 31 July 2023 [closed]


    The "COST action YEAST4BIO (Non-conventional yeasts for the production of bioproducts)", a network of European research groups focused on the use of yeasts for the production of bioproducts, offers grants to young researchers to participate in the RPP11 conference. Please check the requirements and apply before 31 August 2023.