Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe

Abstract guidelines and instructions

Scientists from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts describing original research in one of the conference scientific topics:
  • Sustainable agriculture and food security
  • New technologies for better health and environment
  • Responsible production and consumption, sustainable energy
  • Engineered proteins and cell-free systems
  • Synthetic biology tools and future directions

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts and invite the authors to present:
  • short oral presentation in the main programme, or
  • flash poster presentation in the main programme, or
  • poster presentation

Early registration, abstract submission and bursaries close on Sunday 21 July.

Please note that the conference abstract book will be only available in an electronic format. Save paper, save trees!


The abstract title should be less than 160 characters and must not be written in capital letters. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided in titles, but may be used in the text if they are defined at first usage. The abstract should include the name of the presenting author underlined and affiliations of all authors. The body of the abstract should not exceed 1,600 characters including footnotes. Standard abbreviations and SI units must be used. Please ensure that your abstract does not include tables, charts, or figures.

Please note that the system does not allow to attach a pdf file. You will need to type in or paste the body of your abstract to the submission form

The Scientific Committee will select the type of contribution (short oral presentation or poster presentation) based on the review of abstracts. Authors will receive abstract acceptance notifications in October 2024.

Important! Submitting an abstract for presentation does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference by following the instructions for registration. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstract only if the registration fees have been paid by the author.


You can submit one abstract. If you need to edit the abstract you already submitted, modifications will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline.

The corresponding author will receive an e-mail confirming the successful submission of the abstract. All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and you will be notified about acceptance of your abstract by email.

Abstracts should be checked for accuracy prior to submission. Once the abstract has been submitted, changes, corrections or rewording will be possible until the abstract deadline. After this date changes will not be possible. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference by following the instructions for registration.

Posters must be brought to the meeting by the presenting author and should not be mailed in advance. At the top of a poster, please provide the title of the paper, names of the authors and their affiliations, all in bold lettering of about 2.5 to 3 cm size. Artwork and lettering should be large and clear enough so that the poster is readable from a distance of 1.5 m.