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Valuable products from renewable resources

New Biotechnology Thematic Issue:
Valuable products from renewable resources. Selected papers from EFB 2022

The journal of New Biotechnology is organizing the Thematic issue featuring the selected papers from the European Federation of Biotechnology Virtual Conference, 2022.

Call for papers - New Biotechnology | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Participants are invited to submit manuscripts for a thematic issue of the EFB Journal New Biotechnology on the development of “Valuable Products from Renewable Resources”.
We invite you to submit research articles and encourage to prepare review articles.
Manuscripts are considered for publication in New Biotechnology only on the basis that the work is original and unpublished.
All submissions will go through a normal peer review process per journal standard. Papers deemed to not meet the standards of the journal may be rejected without the review.
Opening submission portal: 11-Oct-2022 Deadline for manuscript submission: 11-Feb-2023 When preparing your manuscript, please follow carefully the Guide for Authors of the journal.
In the cover letter, please mention that your manuscript is intended for the Special Issue: Valuable products from renewable resources.
After entering the title of your manuscript, please select article type “Valuable products from renewable resources”.
New Biotechnology publishes special issues using the following workflow:
  • Manuscripts are submitted to an online submission system https://www.editorialmanager.com/nbiot/default2.aspx and are all subject to peer review.
  • Once a manuscript is accepted, it goes into production, and is then published simultaneously in the current regular issue and on the online special issue page.
  • Articles from a special issue will appear in different regular issues of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as special issue articles.
  • The advantage of this process is that individual articles do not have to wait until the full (special) issue is ready and can instead be published and start to accrue downloads and citations