ECB2024: A Successful Return of Congress

From 30 June to 3 July 3 2024, the 19th European Congress on Biotechnology ECB2024 made a successful return in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Traditionally held every two years, this year’s congress was particularly significant as it marked the first event since 2018, after postponement due to the pandemic.
ECB2024 was a successful joint meeting, combining efforts with The Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV) and their Annual Dutch Biotechnology Meeting (NBC-24), as well as the 19th International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS2024) organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) was also one of the partners.
The overarching theme for this year’s congress was “Grand Challenges for Biotechnology: Health; Food Security; and Global Warming.” The event attracted over 700 delegates from 48 countries. The congress featured an extensive program including four plenary lectures, five parallel streams with keynote lectures, international presentations, and short talks.
Attendees had the opportunity to engage in flash poster presentations, poster sessions, and a trade exhibition. The congress also featured highlight events organised by the EFB partners.
The next European Congress on Biotechnology ECB2026 will be held in 2026 and its location ECB2026 will be announced soon.

ecb2024 Rotterdam


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The EFB is a non-profit federation of biotechnology companies, academic institutions, and individual professionals. We promote research and innovation in life sciences, while providing international biotechnology conferences to ensure the dissemination of the scientific results and assist in the publication of their reports in our biotechnology Journals. With more than 30 biotechnology conferences under its belt, the EFB portfolio of events offers a meeting point between global researchers and industry representatives.