The 6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe (ASBE VI) is organised by the EFB Bioengineering and Bioprocessing Division and the EFB Microbial Biotechnology Division. The event will take place on 2-4 November 2022 in Edinburgh, UK. Following the success of previous meetings in this series, ASBEVI will explore the wealth of applied synthetic biology research and how it is contributing to progress in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will emphasise the commonalities, overlaps and links between different approaches and the use of different biological systems. The meeting will bring together key partners from academia, industry and the third sector interested in the implementation of synthetic biology, engineering biology and applied microbiology to overcome global challenges.
The format is designed to mix international guest lectures by prestigious scientists with shorter early career researcher presentations (and it is supported by synthetic biology student societies in the UK, SynBioUK, and Europe, EUSynBioS). The program strongly considers ED&I while featuring invited lectures and presentations selected from submitted abstracts, in order to showcase not only the diversity of this interdisciplinary area, but also the diversity of the community that drives the research visions.
ASBE VI will offer an opportunity to academic and industrial researchers from all levels (masters students to professors and industry/NGO leaders), to share advances in the field and discuss routes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.