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Invited lecture slots still available until 6 April

More than 100 Invited Lecture slots are available for registrants that submit excellent new work

Deadline for Congress abstract submission:
6 April 2020

Abstract submission
Maastricht - sunnset blue ceramics-faience

Looking for publication opportunities?

There will be three major opportunities to help you get your work published in leading international journals.

Publications workshop on Monday 29th June. Learn how to increase the chance that your research will be accepted for publication and why manuscripts are rejected.

Meet the Editors of the EFB Journal and other Elsevier journals who will answer your questions and provide advice.

Submit a publication to the Congress Special Issue. Participants are invited to submit research articles and reviews for a special issue of the EFB Journal, New Biotechnology, to be published after the Congress.

Register now to take advantage of these opportunities.

Maastricht, Servatiusbasilika, Vrijthof

Special offer for group registrations from the same institution / organisation

Free registration is offered to Principal Scientists from large groups that register and pay together for five or more people from the same institution. Alternatively, one free registration - the least expensive - is offered to groups of four people from the same institution who register together and pay their registration fees with a single payment.

To apply for this group discount, please email:
[email protected]

Register now!


Microbial Stress Congress 2020

Early bird registration opening soon!
Microbial Stress Congress 2020

Save the dates and share your research with the global
SynBio community!

Early bird registration opening soon!

Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins: A novel class of biopharmaceuticals for the therapy of cancer and of chronic inflammation

EFB Journal New Biotechnology

Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins: A novel class of biopharmaceuticals for the therapy of cancer and of chronic inflammation

Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins represent a novel class of biopharmaceuticals, with the potential to increase the therapeutic index of cytokine ‘payloads’ and to promote leukocyte infiltration at the site of disease. In this review, we present a survey of immunocytokines that have been used in preclinical models of cancer and in clinical trials. In particular, we highlight how antibody format, choice of target antigen and cytokine engineering, as well as combination strategies, may have a profound impact on therapeutic performance. Moreover, by using anti-inflammatory cytokines, antibody fusion strategies can conveniently be employed for the treatment of auto-immune and chronic inflammatory conditions.
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More information
The 31 Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference - Event Banner

SCI Event

Applied late-stage functionalisation: where chemistry meets biology

The purpose of this meeting is to highlight some of the hot and emerging developments in the inorganic catalysis and biocatalysis arenas and both the academic and application of late-stage functionalisation methodologies.
This meeting is aimed at industrial and academic members of the scientific community working in pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemistry, biotechnology, chemical biology or broadly interested in synthesis, catalysis and enzymatic reactions.
More information
Micrope 2019 - Event Banner

Be in with the chance of winning a fantastic prize whilst supporting the global biosciences community: enter the Royal Society of Biology’s Anniversary Fundraising Raffle. All proceeds will go towards funding the RSB's charitable work and a full list of the exciting prizes can be found at Enter by 25th February 2020.

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EFB Events

European Congress on Biotechnology

organised by EFB
28 June - 1 July 2020
Maastricht - The Netherlands

Microbial Stress 2020
organised by EFB Microbial Physiology Section
31 August - 2 September 2020
Rome - Italy

5th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe
co-organised by EFB Microbial Physiology & Bioengineering and Bioprocessing Section
2 - 4 November 2020
Delft - Netherlands

Circular Bioeconomy Summit
organised by EFB Environmental Biotechnology Section in collaboration with Bioeconomy Task Group
Spring 2021

EFB Member Events

12th AFOB Regional Symposium (ARS 2020)
organised by AFOB
9 − 11 February 2020
Yogyakarta − Indonesia

6th SCI/RSC Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets
organised by SCI
24 - 25 February 2020
Cambridge − UK

37th Process Development Symposium
organised by SCI
25 - 27 March 2020
London − UK

BioTech 2020
co-organised by Czech Biotechnology Society
17 - 20 June 2020
Prague − Czech Republic

European Federation of Biotechnology
Parc Cientific Barcelona
Baldiri Reixac 4-8
08028 Barcelona, Spain