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Deadline extension for abstract submission:
1 May 2019
Deadline extension for early-bird :
1 May 2019
Equality, Inclusion and Diversity
The organising committee are committed to supporting equality, diversity, and inclusion.
EFB Bioengineering & Bioprocessing SectionConference reports
EBBS has made available to the public the reports of the section's meetings published on the EFB's journal New Biotechnology.
EFB Polymer Biotechnology Section
EFB Journal New BiotechnologyThe interactions between biomolecules and solid surfaces play an important role in designing new materials and applications which mimic nature. Recently, solid-binding peptides (SBPs) have emerged as potential molecular building blocks in nanobiotechnology. SBPs exhibit high selectivity and binding affinity towards a wide range of inorganic and organic materials. Although these peptides have been widely used in various applications, there is a need to understand the interaction mechanism between the peptide and its material substrate, which is challenging both experimentally and theoretically.
Austrian Centre of Industrial BiotechnologyThe European Summit of Industrial BiotechnologyESIB is one of the biggest networking events for representatives from science, industry and politics in the field of industrial biotechnology. More than 500 attendees from all over the world are discussing scientific and industrial challenges. Meet peers, colleagues and friends and take the opportunity to get inspired for new project opportunities.
SCI EventMolecular Interactions
Molecular interactions fundamentally influence all aspects of chemistry. Our knowledge of them allows us to push the boundaries of chemical research, from engaging biological targets through drug design to the creation of novel supramolecular assemblies. This one day event has been developed to stimulate open discussion about the fundamentals of molecular interactions, as well as application of these principles to advance the fields of drug discovery and supramolecular chemistry.
21-22 May 2019 The Crystal, London
Biochemical Society Redox Signalling in physiology, ageing and disease
Dutch Biotechnology Society NBC-19: The Sound of Biotech
Cell culture technologies: bridging academia and industry to provide solutions for patients
EFB Events
Affinity 2019
Sponsored by EFB Sweden RBO
26 − 28 June 2019
Stockholm - Sweden
Designer Biology 2019
organised by EFB Polymer Biotechnology & EFB Bioengineering and Bioprocessing Section
31 July - 2 August 2019
Newcastle - UK
EFB Member Events
26th ESACT Meeting
organised by European Society Animal Cell Technology
5 – 8 May 2019
Copenhagen – Denmark
European Federation of Biotechnology
Parc Cientific Barcelona Baldiri Reixac 4-8
08028 Barcelona, Spain